Book your stay at Mariner Guesthouse, and enjoy an afternoon shark cage diving trip where you will be able to see the Great White Sharks from a point blank range and the best part is that this trip revolve around shark cage diving. No diving experience is necessary.
Our trips run from Simon’s Town, which is only 40 minutes from Cape Town.
For the afternoon shark cage diving we chose to only take only 8-10 divers on the boat so you can enjoy a comfortable trip in a more personal and exclusive environment.
No Scuba qualifications are necessary! The cage floats just under the surface of the water, and it is situated alongside the boat. Only two enter the cage at a time, all scuba equipment stays on board and only the scuba hose enters the cage, allowing you to enjoy a great dive without cumbersome, heavy tanks and gear.
The average dive time is 20 minutes depending on the shark activity. Once everyone has had a go, and if there is enough time, then a second dive is allowed. Our crew is highly trained and safety is of utmost importance.
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