At Your Hotel
- Never leave your luggage unattended.
- Store valuables in the hotel’s safety deposit box.
- Keep room locked, whether you are in it or out.
- Check who is at your door before opening it.
- Hand your keys into reception whenever leaving the hotel.
In The Street
- Avoid displaying expensive jewellery, cameras and valuables.
- Do not carry large sums of money.
- Keep away from dark, isolated areas at night.
- It is better to be in groups and stick to busy well lit streets.
- Plan your route.
- Call a taxi from your hotel.
In Your Car
- Plan your route in advance.
- Lock the doors and close the windows.
- Lock valuable items in the boot (trunk).
- Park in well lit areas at night.
- Never pick up strangers or hitch hikers.
- If in doubt about your safety, phone the police or drive to the nearest police station.